How to add Google My Business Reviews to your Advisr.Me profile.
Adding Google My Business reviews to your Advisr.Me Profile is now possible. It is quick and easy to do. Google My Business Reviews can be added to your branch profiles and can't be added to an individual users profile.
Adding Google My Business reviews to your Advisr.Me Profile is now possible. It is quick and easy to do. Google My Business Reviews can be added to your branch profiles and can't be added to an individual users profile.
Here's how to add your Google Reviews to your Advisr.Me profile.
2: From your Branch Dashboard, navigate to Reviews.
3: Scroll to the bottom of your Reviews
4: Start the process for adding Google Reviews to your Advisr.Me Branch Profile.
**Advisr.Me will never edit, delete, or alter your Google My Business details.** We simply enable your Google Reviews to be syndicated onto your Advisr.Me Branch Profile. Any questions - just ask.
Can I remove my Google My Business Reviews?
Can I remove my Google My Business Reviews?
Yes, to remove your Google My Business Reviews from Advisr.Me is super simple. If you change your mind, you can remove your Google My Business reviews in just one click.
1: Login to Advisr.Me
1: Login to Advisr.Me
2: From your Branch Dashboard, navigate to Reviews.
3: Scroll to the bottom of your Reviews
4: Disconnect your Google My Business Reviews from your Advisr.Me Branch Profile.
Troubleshooting tips:
1. Make sure you select a Google account that has access to your Google My Business account
2. Check your Google My Business account to confirm access via the Google account you are wanting to use
3. Try a hard refresh of your page by hitting control and F5 together, then try again.
4. Make sure you're in a regular browser and not using a browser in incognito mode.
5. Disconnect or cancel the process and try again.